Monday, 13 December 2010

Tuition Fees (another 2p worth opinion on the matter)

I really don’t know where I stand on these student protests that are going on. Should further education be free? Yes, no, in a way, well when you put it like that, yes, but saying that., no.
About five years after I left school it seemed like all of a sudden everybody was going to university. I’ve met some people who are at or who went to university who seem as plain dumb. Does that me and most people I went to school with were dumber? No, because only the really academic went to university.
Or maybe since the prominence of the internet more people are gaining the good A level results to get into university. Copy and paste from Wikipedia and then alter it a bit to make it look like their your own work. Or maybe I’m being over cynical. Or maybe I could have gone to university if Wikipedia was about then. Or maybe if I did any homework and studied at all.
Anyway, the students don’t have to pay the money back until they leave university and get a job. So what are they moaning about. Then again nine thousand pounds a year does seem excessive.
I’m all in favour of a protest and making a stand. But what’s the point in smashing windows and spray painting a Winston Churchill statue.
Are the police heavy handed? They have a history of it from the poll tax protests and miner strikes. But I can’t stand them protesters that shout right up in the faces of the police, spit at them, throw missiles and then scream police brutality when they get a slap back. But as long as they don't slap them as hard as they did in China.

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