Sunday, 8 November 2009

Bean Bag Blues

I once heard someone say that when you buy your first sofa that’s when you’re finally all grown up. If that’s the case then I have a long way to go until I’m all grown up. Maybe your status in life can be recognised in what chair you own. The king sits on a thrown, then peasant sits on a tree stump.

Well the only kind of chair that I own is a bean bag, no actually I own two bean bags. I also own a stool but I use that as a bedside table so I guess that doesn’t really count.
I used to own a table and chairs set that I bought from Ikea over ten years ago but when I moved it occupied too much space in my new room. So to maximize possible room space I got rid of them a replaced them with the two bean bags. I now call that part of my room the lounge area. Sometimes I sit on my bed and sometimes I gravitate towards the lounge area.
From table and chairs to bean bags. Downsizing. I’m going in the wrong direction to get that three piece suit sofa. And I won’t change direction if I keep living my early 30’s like my early 20’s.

But I really don’t won’t to spend Saturday afternoons trouping around DFS looking for a cheep deal on a three piece sofa. Maybe one day I will purchase a huge lazy boy chair. But for now I am content with the bean bags. This aint no blues. Hail to the bean bags!

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