Friday, 1 June 2012

The Limpest Of Combacks

I saw a clip of the reformed S Club formally known as S Club 7. That was when there were seven in the group. The comeback is a limp three members.
That’s embarrassing enough in itself, but add to the fact that they are in their thirties, carrying a few extra pounds and singing songs that were always aimed at the youngest end of the record buying public, well it takes cringe to a new level.
I didn’t make it all the way through the song (I defy anyone to) but skipped to the interview at the end. When asked why they’re a few members short the reply was that everyone’s busy, a couple of them are in the theatre and another member has just had a baby.
So they are getting on with their life’s. Instead of desperately clinging on to when they had some success in a pop group back in the nineties.
I almost feel sorry for them. But I don’t because I don’t understand why they can’t just get a job. They will make a lot more money working behind a till or a bar.
And there’s no embarrassment in that.

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