Friday, 4 May 2012

Damon Albarn's Pretentions

Damon Albarn has a solo album out. Que broadsheet music writers swooning with descriptions like: prolific musical chameleon.
This time he’s taken his pretentiousness to a new level because the album is apparently “a strange pastoral folk album inspired by the life of 16th century mathematician, alchemist, and philosopher John Dee, who was a trusted advisor of Elizabeth I.”
So I guess he’s wearing his ‘I’m a serious thoughtful musician’ hat instead of his cheeky chap mockney one that he puts on in Blur mode.

Damon Albarn doesn’t play or sing a note on any of the music that I own. None of it has ever interested me. No, not even the album when he went to Mali, recorded a bunch of local musicians and played that toy like instrument that you blow into over the top of it.

The truth is that I’ve never given his music a chance. I just can’t get over my intense dislike of Blur. Their music and especially the floppy haired bass player that these days won’t stop banging on about his bloody cheese farm.
No doubt Damon’s album will sell a decent amount. Mostly to his devotees. Who will play it a couple of times, force themselves to like it, tell people it’s a masterpiece and never listen to it again.

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